Crisis of Imagination Workshop – Nov 2019
“My life has been filled with terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened” – Michel de Montaige
Prison or Paradise…it’s all in your head.We are all great story tellers and imagineers, we have just been telling the wrong story and sentencing ourselves into only experiencing a small percentage of reality.
Can simply changing the picture in your mind, change your life? How is this related to empowerment? Come find out in this interactive workshop.Through discussion and exercises you’ll see first hand how expanding your imagination can shift your perception of what’s real and what’s possible.
I’m thrilled to be facillitating this new workshop at The Collective in November. My intention is for you to feel inspired, empowered, and confident. For over ten years I have been studying manifestation, what really works, what gets in the way, and how to apply it to every day situations. Backed by quantum physics this is no longer just a bunch of hocus pocus. These are strategies you can use to produce consistant results and create a life you are passionate about.
Unleash your imagination
Make friends with fear
Tune into your intuition and
See how quickly you can begin to manifest your desires
Saturday Nov. 9th 2019 | 2-4pm
The Collective Seattle
400 Dexter Ave. Seattle
Free for members and guests! RSVP today!
You are the architect of your one wild and precious life, so tell me, what are you going to do with it?